Stab Therapeutics

STAb Therapeutics appoints Carolina Pola as Chief Executive Officer

STAb Therapeutics, a biotechnology company that develops novel immune redirecting cell therapies for cancer, announces that Dr. Carolina Pola has been appointed as CEO of the Company. Dr. Pola brings a biobusiness perspective and expertise to STAb Therapeutics to develop and deploy the strategic plan for the growth of the Company. She has developed an […]

STAb Therapeutics appoints Carolina Pola as Chief Executive Officer Leer más »

Granted by Consejería de Educación, Ciencia y Universidades

STAb Therapeutics has been awarded with one of grants for the development of new innovative technology-based companies: “Ayudas para el desarrollo de nuevas empresas innovadoras de base tecnológica (start-up) (2023)”, granted by Consejería de Educación, Ciencia y Universidades, Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid. These grants are aimed at promoting the activity and consolidation of novel and

Granted by Consejería de Educación, Ciencia y Universidades Leer más »

Awarded by Fundación para el Conocimiento Madri+d

STAb Therapeutics, spin-off from Instituto de Investigación Hospital 12 de Octubre i+12, has been awarded by the Fundación para el Conocimiento Madri+d, in the framework of the health entrepreneurship program ‘Healthstart’. This award is a recognition to the company´s viability plan, developed by scientists from this institution, to transfer the results obtained in their laboratory

Awarded by Fundación para el Conocimiento Madri+d Leer más »

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